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February 18, 2025

It is possible to reset the Amped Wireless Range Extender SR10000 is able to be reset to factory default settings by using these methods:

Utilizing the button Reset / Utilizing an interface for web

Resetting by physically pressing the reset buttons is an simple and easy if you follow the instructions below:

Find the reset button located on the back of the amplified extension of range wireless.
Utilizing a straightened clip of paper or pin, push and continue pressing your reset lever for approximately five to ten minutes and after that, release the reset button.
You should wait for a couple of minutes before the LED light begins to flash. This is the indication that your Amped Wireless Range Extender has been restored to its default settings.

Resetting the range extender’s amped wireless signal via the web interface, you have to log in to the internet-based interface of the amped wireless router

  • Go to through a web browser.
  • Log in with your login credentials of default to gain access to the admin page of the amplified wireless.
  • Select More settings, then select Management.
  • Select Save/Reload settings under Management.

What if you’re unfit to open the web menu of the amped wireless range extender SR10000 after you enter the ?

  • Check the computer you are using is linked the WIFI network on your range extender
  • Be sure to use the most recent and compatible browser. If you’re still experiencing issues, you can try setting up using a different web browser (recommended: Google Chrome) or close and then reopen the browser.
  • Try using the dereliction IP address to access login runner rather of web
  • Try power cycling to power cycle the Amped Wireless range extender SR10000.
  • Reset the range extender since the rest of your settings back to the factory default settings. Resetting the wireless range extender can be done by pressing on the reset switch for several minutes before pressing it again.
  • If none of the steps above fail, you can try disconnecting your PC from wireless networks connected to it and then connect your computer to the range extender via the Ethernet cable. Try to access the Dashboard menu of the amped wireless range extender through

What happens if your internet connection cannot be accessed via an Amped Wireless range extender SR20000 ?

  • The internet connection on the Home Network might have got lost or the router settings might have been altered in some way due to an energy surge or other cause. Therefore, you will need to connect to the Range Extender and access the web interface using the web address Start Smart Setup Wizard to connect the Range Extender with your wireless network.
  • The issue is that the Range Extender has been placed further away from the router, and it’s not keeping a signal strength more than 70 percent. You can test the signal strength between your Router and Range Extender by going on the left-hand side of the menu on the internet and selecting Additional Settings, Management, Device Status. The Signal Strength display will appear within the home wireless network settings section. The signal strength must be greater than 70 percent. When the strength falls below 70%, you’ll need to move the amplified range Extender further away from your router, or move the Amped Wireless Range Extender.

How do you find the optimal Positioning Location for your amplified extended range wireless device?

  • It is possible to determine the optimal or ideal signal by using an LED for Signal Strength that is situated at one side of an amplified wireless range extender
  • The Green LED is a great signal over 70 percent
  • The yellow LED is moderately bright. Signal Strength between 60-69 %
  • Red LED: Signal is weak strength less than 59 percent
  • It can take anywhere from 3 to 5 minutes for the LED to be detected after switching on the amplified wireless Extender. After the extender has been set up it can be used to direct you in directing the Extender at a higher place. It is suggested that the the signal strength is at or above 70%, i.e. the LED is green.

NOTE: The signal strength LED will not be lit unless the setup for the range extender is not completed prior to the.